Landscape Lighting, call today! Oakland 248-683-2127 • Rochester 248-852-8200

Summers Irrigation Landscape lighting of walkway, driveway, plants and building. Lights don't simply turn on and off.

Summers Irrigation Landscape and Waterfall with lighting and a elegant Pond.

Summers Irrigation uses modern technology and innovation into our products guides you along a sustainable path and brighter future.

Customize the finish of your copper and brass fixtures with a rustic green or brown patina. Choose from Summers Irrigations's large selection of fixtures.

LED based landscape lights provide a number of distinct efficiency and practical advantages. LED optimization is the future of the industry

A well-designed landscape must be carefully considered to ensure safety, longevity of our products and a truly unique experience for years to come.

Summers Irrigation has a wide selection of ground, building and plant lighting gixtures to choos from.

LED based landscape lights provide a number of distinct efficiency and practical advantages.

A well-designed landscape must be carefully considered to ensure safety, longevity of our products and a truly unique experience for years to come.

By using state-of-the art Controllers and Rain Sensors you can save your lawn, water AND money! Controlling the proper amounts of water used and times to irrigate your landscape prevents under/over watering.

Utilizing "UP" lights in a landscape lighting system design can add a tremendous amount of texture, contrast and interest. FX provides a highly efficiency LED up light for virtually any outdoor application or effect.

Seamlessly integrating "WALL" Lights into outdoor lighting can not only enhance safety, and define edges. -Ask Summers Irrigation to see your many styles.

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summers Irrigation Inc.• waterford: 248-683-227 • rochester: 248-852-8200
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