Landscape Lighting, call today! Oakland 248-683-2127 • Rochester 248-852-8200

Summers Irrigation Landscape lighting of walkway, driveway, plants and building. Lights don't simply turn on and off.

Summers Irrigation uses modern technology and innovation into our products guides you along a sustainable path and brighter future.

Customize the finish of your copper and brass fixtures with a rustic green or brown patina. Choose from Summers Irrigations's large selection of fixtures.

LED based landscape lights provide a number of distinct efficiency and practical advantages. LED optimization is the future of the industry

A well-designed landscape must be carefully considered to ensure safety, longevity of our products and a truly unique experience for years to come.

Summers Irrigation has a wide selection of ground, building and plant lighting gixtures to choos from.

A well-designed landscape must be carefully considered to ensure safety, longevity of our products and a truly unique experience for years to come.

By using state-of-the art Controllers and Rain Sensors you can save your lawn, water AND money! Controlling the proper amounts of water used and times to irrigate your landscape prevents under/over watering.